Born as a Roman Catholic Christian, Winisha Lobo had a deep desire for the religion of Islam, since her childhood in the school days. She was amazed to find that the Muslims respect Mary and Jesus (may peace be upon them).
Her friends told her the birth of Jesus (may peace be upon him) mentioned in the Qur’an. She was convinced that Jesus was a Messenger of God; and not the literal son of God. She started to fast in her school days in the months of Ramadaan, even before embracing the religion of Islam.
Her struggle with her father and the Police authorities were shown in a special interview on TV9 and NEWS 9 channels. We request all to make Dua for the Sister. May Allah bless you all.
Watch it on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKEZU1Wzc_Q
Her friends told her the birth of Jesus (may peace be upon him) mentioned in the Qur’an. She was convinced that Jesus was a Messenger of God; and not the literal son of God. She started to fast in her school days in the months of Ramadaan, even before embracing the religion of Islam.
But then, at her home, she had a very disturbed upbringing. Her father Ashok Lobo separated from his wife, and was a person who used to drink alcohol and beat up his child Winisha Lobo miserably. She was a neglected child. She had no place to seek refuge. Not withstanding the harsh father, she set out of her house in the year 2008. Later, she was found by the police and handed over to her father Ashok Lobo.
Winisha was treated very badly, ever since she returned back home. She even claims that her father used to harass her with a sexual inclination. A total chaotic life she had. This year, 2010, she decided to set out of the house once again. This time she approached the Sanjay nagar Police Station, Bangalore, and made a complaint against her father Ashok Lobo, and voluntarily left her home to get rid of the harassment from her father Ashok Lobo. She, in the meantime embraced Islam in the same year, and was practising as a Muslim, wearing the Hijaab and offering her five times obligatory prayers as well. She was guided by some Muslims to the organization Discover Islam Education Trust, popularly known as DIET to pursue Islamic Education. She requested DIET to help her gain advanced knowledge on Islam. DIET helped her by forwarding her to a women’s only education centre, and provided her the food, shelter and Islamic education. She was happy to gain knowledge there.
Soon after, Police men from the Pulikeshinagar Police Station, Bangalore, approached DIET, to know of her where abouts, since her father had given a missing complaint at the Police Station. Winisha Lobo confessed that she has voluntarily embraced Islam, and that she has voluntarily left her home. The Police men insisted that she give her statements at the Police station. Complying with that, Winisha Lobo went to the Pulikeshinagar Police station, along with the President of DIET, Mr. Umar Shariff and other members of DIET. She confessed the truth about her conversion of Islam to the Assistant Commissioner of Police, A.C.P B.B. Ashok Kumar at the Pulikeshinagar Police Station.
Here comes a great disaster. The A.C.P B.B. Ashok Kumar started to use harsh words at her, and started to threaten her to renounce the religion Islam. She was forced to remove her Hijab, her scarf and the Niqab at the Police station. She was not let to her freedom. She was made to stay under the Police custody, the state’s home for women, where in she was not able to sleep the whole night, with rats and dirt all over. A.C.P B.B. Ashok Kumar has misused the process of law. He knew that she was a major, aged 19 years. He knew that the girl had made a sworn affidavit to confirm that she converted to the religion Islam. He was also aware of the complaint letter that she gave at the Sanjaynagar police station. On top of knowing all the facts, he started threatening her. He said he would kick her if she didn’t give up the religion Islam. He also used foul language such as “bloody fool” etc etc at the President of DIET, and made harsh remarks on the Muslim community. He said that the Muslim Community is responsible for all the chaos in the world. He said that the Muslims are the worst people in the world, ….on and on. He started screaming and threatening Mr. Umar Shariff by saying that ” I am a dangerous man… you do not know about me…”. He made fun of the beard and the Islamic dressing. He was not doing justice to the uniform that he was wearing. Total misuse of authority was witnessed at the Pulikeshinagar Police station.
Mr. Umar Shariff lodged a complaint against the A.C.P B.B. Ashok Kumar at the Karnataka State’s Human Rights Commission. Mr. Umar Shariff also brought this issue to the Governor of Karnataka, and also to the Joint Commissioner (crime) Mr. Alok Kumar. Mr. Umar Shariff was directed to D.C.P Chandrashekar of Hulsur Police Station. He explained to him the facts.
Sister Winisha was later brought to the office of the D.C.P Mr. Chandrashekar and her statements were recorded. She was asked if her father Ashok Lobo gave her the freedom to practise her faith, and that if he did not trouble her, would she go to her home? She said that she wouldn’t mind staying at her father’s home, if he gave her the freedom to live a peaceful life. She was later sent to the home along with her father Ashok Lobo.
Somethings never change. Her Father’s attitude was as miserable as ever. She was locked in a room and not given the freedom to practise her religion. She escaped from him once again and sought help from DIET. This time DIET sought the help of media; For the Police authorities seemed pretty much docile in this case. Hence, she was helped by certain well meaning people from the media; And was taken to the Sanjay nagar Ploice station, Bangalore. The Police authorities heard to her patiently, and finally sent her with the members of DIET. She is now under the care of DIET.
Her struggle with her father and the Police authorities were shown in a special interview on TV9 and NEWS 9 channels. We request all to make Dua for the Sister. May Allah bless you all.
Watch it on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKEZU1Wzc_Q
DIET website www.discoverislam.co.in